
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week Four: Soloman de-railing

The weeks just keep getting better with the Peasant Princess series. This week, what I once held as a fact(Christians and non-Christians have the same divorce rate), was strongly disputed. Great use of statistics and I thought it was interesting that he used a non-Christian P.H.D to do the research.

Over the weeks my wife and I have become more gracious with one another. I for one have become more aware of my position as the spiritual leader in the family and the idea that I am capable of anything if I walk away from God isn't just a little bit disturbing, its down right frightening!

The ripples of my actions are immediately felt by my wife and children and the responsibility is mine to bare. Part of the fall was Adam's skirting of his responsibility for Eve and himself, and I think that has passed down through the generations from man to man. I see it in my self at times and it is sin that I need to confess and repent of. It may not look it from the outside, but it is there.

God Bless

Peasant Princess Week Four